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Apr 11, 2017

Dietary Requirements for Adults

Many factors enter into the food problem as it appears in everyday life. In the same household there are generally persons of different food requirements. The baby cannot be fed like the 15-year old high school girl is fed. The dainty fare which best suits the school teacher is held in scorn by the farm worker whose energy needs are twice as high. To use the same food resources for all and make adjustments which assure for each a palatable, digestible, and adequate diet call for knowledge and skill in the apportionment of the various items on the menu.

Milk is a great protector of the diet in almost every point: of unique importance for calcium, an

Eat Slowly and Lose Weight

When you lose weight, you want to keep those pounds off for good. Dieting and exercising are a good way to start, but to create lasting change in your body you must also change your mind. Your current state of health and body weight are the result of many factors including heredity, habits and environment. Emotional upsets and life changes also affect your body.

Your thoughts and emotions influence your metabolic rate. Take a moment to think about the habitual way you eat a meal. If you are feeding kids who are all on a different schedule, all with different nutritional tastes, it's likely that you are racing through your meals. Adults often emulate the patterns their parents created. Think about mealtime when you were a kid. Were meals relaxed, where each person took a moment to reflect on the day, or share a

Bodybuilding Made Safe

The objective of body building entails gradually improving one’s strength for a muscular physique. The primary focus of weight training is to fatique the muscles.

Safety Equipment:

Safety equipment is not for the fashion conscious. A weight belt is one of the primary needs devised to protect or prevent injury from occurring in the lower back. Another important purpose of the weight belt is to deter and restrict poor formation or inaccurate movements. Moreover, it supports the body while emphasizing target muscles as it reduces the possibility of injury. Weight gloves can enhance

Apr 8, 2017


NOW is the time to commit to a healthy nutrition plan!

The official drink of Adventure Boot Camp is water.  A good rule is of thumb is to divide your weight in half and that is how many ounces of water one should drink a day.  (Atypically, one does not want to exceed 100 oz a day).  Drink water when you get up in the morning.  Drink water before meals and sip water during meals.  Coffee and tea may be consumed in moderation.  Soda cannot be recommended due to the amount of sugar in them! 
Get your rest!  Sleep seven to nine hours each evening. Two hours of sleep before midnight is worth four hours of sleep after midnight. Go to bed.  Early to bed, early to rise!
  • ALWAYS eat breakfast (Break-the-Fast)
  • Eat 4-6 small “meals” every day
  • Eat every 3-4 hours
  • Eat fruit and vegetables  (fruits great for snacks, vegetables great for lunch & dinner)

  • Carbohydrates:
    • vegetables (green veggies - broccoli, asparagus, peas, etc) and salads (light on dressing) Apple
    • fruits (apples, apricots, blueberries, cherries, grapes, peaches, pears, raspberries, strawberries)
    • oatmeal
    • brown rice
    • sweet potatoes/yams
    • legumes
    • whole grain bread
    • whole grain cereal
    • whole wheat pasta

  • Protein (lean sources only, remove any extra fat):
    • Eggegg whites
    • chicken breast
    • turkey - steak (lean cuts)
    • ground beef (at least 90% lean)
    • pork (lean cuts)
    • soybeans
    • fish (tuna, albacore, tilapia, mahi mahi, orange roughly)
    • yogurt (low sugar)
    • cottage cheese
    • fat free milk
    • tofu (limited - high in fat)

  • NutsFat (healthy fats only, small portion sizes):
    • egg yolks
    • almonds
    • walnuts
    • peanuts
    • natural peanut butter
    • pecans
    • avocado
    • flax seed oil
    • soybean oil
    • hummus
    • extra virgin olive oil
    • fish oil (found in salmon, trout, mackerel)

  • Drink a lot of water!
  • Combine carbohydrates, protein, and fat each time you eat.  This is a key to a healthy eating lifestyle! 
  • Shop along the walls of your grocery store!  Jump in the aisle to get coffee, tea, canned meat, natural peanut butter, whole grain bread, toiletries and jump out!