7 Natural Ways to Relieve Your Neck Pain ever , EAT YOUR WATER I make Glowing Skin , How do I get six pack easily , How is it possible that I gained 2 kilos in a day , How to lose 30 pounds in 2 months , Increase your Fitness Level without joining gym , skip salt completely in my diet or not , The fastest way to gaining lean muscle without gaining fat , The health benefits of honey , The three daily practices to stay young , What can You do to motivate yourself to work out

Oct 26, 2017

Table Tennis Dimensions Variations

There are a few things that you have to bear in mind when you do buy one of these, the table tennis dimensions is one of the most important. It is important to know whether you are using this for basic use, advanced use or home use. This would not be hard to establish as you will know why and where you will be using this. The table tennis tables are made to fit anywhere this is the basic rule. In order for you to decide, which table is suitable for you, you have to answer the How, Who and What questions. The table tennis dimensions plays a crucial part in the manner in which you are going to use it.

The ‘How’ questions involve, how often would you be making use of the table, will it be on a daily basis, weekly, monthly or every once in a while? The ‘Who’, these questions would be important, this is the ‘Who” is going to make use of the table? Will it be professional, league, club, or just recreational players? The ‘What’ question goes for, what space is available for the table, the detailed questions are; will you always have it set up? On the other hand, will you have to store it away? The ‘Where’, is just where will you be using your table? There is a lot that you have to take into consideration, and this is besides the table tennis dimensions. You have to be aware that there are many factors that you have to consider when you want to own a table tennis table.
There are three various makes of tables that could be found, this would be able to accommodate all the areas where in it is used, this includes the basic areas, more advanced areas, as well as at home. There are the rollaway tables, this makes for easy storage as well as movement, if you make sure as to store this type of table, near to where you plan on using it, it can be erected by just one person alone. There is the table that comes in two halves, what makes this table easy, it that the legs are built on the underside of each half, making the erection easy. When you have a choice of the type of material the legs are made of, you should choose wood; this is more stable than that of metal.
The third and final type of design is the innovative type, this is mainly for anyone, this is made in ways that the legs are hidden, and the covers are the state of the art. The Donic table is one that is preferred by many, the legs have a great design and is made in such a way, that the legs seem like something out of a science fiction movie. It is very important to take good notice of the table tennis dimensions when you decide to make a purchase. This is something that would have an effect on the way the game is played.

Oct 22, 2017

Women’s Health and Fitness


Weight gain is a lot less difficult as you grow older particularly as the motivation to exercise also wanes, but you can turn it around it does not matter how outdated you will be. You must start to weave some sort of exercise into your every day life.

Sep 14, 2017

how to make a perfect coffee | Perfect Cup Of Coffee

Ah, coffee! There is nothing like the aroma of a freshly brewed cup of coffee wafting through the house. However, even if you start off every day with a cup of joe, there is always more to learn about this amazing beverage. Keep reading to learn something new about coffee.

Do not leave your coffee open any longer than necessary. While preparing your coffee, don't open the can or bag until you are ready to scoop. Immediately after scooping, close the coffee container. This will keep your coffee fresher longer. It also keeps the flavor and aroma from evaporating in the air.
To save money by buying bulk coffee without compromising flavor, measure out what you plan to use instantly and store it at room temperature. Coffee tastes best when it is brewed from room temperature grounds. Coffee you plan to use within the following week can go in the fridge, and the remaining beans or grounds should go in the freezer.

Prepare process - how to make a perfect coffee 

Brew some water by itself before using your new machine. Run water through it as if you are making coffee. Dirt and poor smells that accumulate while the machine is on store shelves will be removed.

Remember that coffee is a very absorbent food. So, proper storage is essential. Keep your extra coffee in a place that is dry and cool where it is protected from both sunshine and warm. Even so, do not store it in your fridge or freezer. Also make sure the container is opaque and air-tight, to prevent coffee from absorbing flavor and aromas from other foods.

Do not freeze all of your coffee in one big container. This is a good way for your coffee to become spoiled quickly. Every time you thaw out coffee, it will have a few moistures in it. Refreezing it regularly will kill the high quality. Use small storage bags to freeze it in batches.

If you really desire good coffee, throw away your cheap device. It isn't going to make you a great beverage and there are other alternatives that are very affordable. Just go to the store and find a pour-over brewer. You will also need some paper filters. Go online and find a guide on how to use these products.

Never throw these away, in fact, for areas you do not frequent much. They can still add up to free cups of joe above time.

If some thing tastes "off" in your morning brew, remember that unpleasant water will result in unpleasant coffee. Make sure that you buy a filter to rid the chemicals of your tap water. If you don't want to set up a filter, you can buy pitchers that contain filters or use bottled water as the foundation for your coffee.
Did you know that coffee can actually enhance your workout routine? Well, it can. The reason is because of the caffeine. However, it is important to ensure that you are well-hydrated beforehand because coffee can dehydrate it. Also, avoid drinking excessive amounts. Just a four-ounce cup is really all that's needed. how to make a perfect coffee 

The amount of time that you brew your coffee is very important. Around 4 or 5- is all it should take. If you boil for longer than five minutes, the coffee ends up tasting bitter. If you brew for less than four minutes, usually you end up with a weak and tasteless brew.

Final word

Coffee is the fuel that keeps you going through a long, hard day, but you may not have realized just how amazing coffee can be. Now that you have read this short article, you should have a new appreciation for this remarkable drink. The next time you are enjoying a cup of coffee, think back on this post.

Jun 28, 2017

Marsh Mucking: 7-Minute Workout (proven by SCIENCE) - A pipe dream come true!

Thanks for sharing, This is really helpful post for my wife hope she will glad to see your post.

Apr 11, 2017

Dietary Requirements for Adults

Many factors enter into the food problem as it appears in everyday life. In the same household there are generally persons of different food requirements. The baby cannot be fed like the 15-year old high school girl is fed. The dainty fare which best suits the school teacher is held in scorn by the farm worker whose energy needs are twice as high. To use the same food resources for all and make adjustments which assure for each a palatable, digestible, and adequate diet call for knowledge and skill in the apportionment of the various items on the menu.

Milk is a great protector of the diet in almost every point: of unique importance for calcium, an

Eat Slowly and Lose Weight

When you lose weight, you want to keep those pounds off for good. Dieting and exercising are a good way to start, but to create lasting change in your body you must also change your mind. Your current state of health and body weight are the result of many factors including heredity, habits and environment. Emotional upsets and life changes also affect your body.

Your thoughts and emotions influence your metabolic rate. Take a moment to think about the habitual way you eat a meal. If you are feeding kids who are all on a different schedule, all with different nutritional tastes, it's likely that you are racing through your meals. Adults often emulate the patterns their parents created. Think about mealtime when you were a kid. Were meals relaxed, where each person took a moment to reflect on the day, or share a

Bodybuilding Made Safe

The objective of body building entails gradually improving one’s strength for a muscular physique. The primary focus of weight training is to fatique the muscles.

Safety Equipment:

Safety equipment is not for the fashion conscious. A weight belt is one of the primary needs devised to protect or prevent injury from occurring in the lower back. Another important purpose of the weight belt is to deter and restrict poor formation or inaccurate movements. Moreover, it supports the body while emphasizing target muscles as it reduces the possibility of injury. Weight gloves can enhance

Apr 8, 2017


NOW is the time to commit to a healthy nutrition plan!

The official drink of Adventure Boot Camp is water.  A good rule is of thumb is to divide your weight in half and that is how many ounces of water one should drink a day.  (Atypically, one does not want to exceed 100 oz a day).  Drink water when you get up in the morning.  Drink water before meals and sip water during meals.  Coffee and tea may be consumed in moderation.  Soda cannot be recommended due to the amount of sugar in them! 
Get your rest!  Sleep seven to nine hours each evening. Two hours of sleep before midnight is worth four hours of sleep after midnight. Go to bed.  Early to bed, early to rise!
  • ALWAYS eat breakfast (Break-the-Fast)
  • Eat 4-6 small “meals” every day
  • Eat every 3-4 hours
  • Eat fruit and vegetables  (fruits great for snacks, vegetables great for lunch & dinner)

  • Carbohydrates:
    • vegetables (green veggies - broccoli, asparagus, peas, etc) and salads (light on dressing) Apple
    • fruits (apples, apricots, blueberries, cherries, grapes, peaches, pears, raspberries, strawberries)
    • oatmeal
    • brown rice
    • sweet potatoes/yams
    • legumes
    • whole grain bread
    • whole grain cereal
    • whole wheat pasta

  • Protein (lean sources only, remove any extra fat):
    • Eggegg whites
    • chicken breast
    • turkey - steak (lean cuts)
    • ground beef (at least 90% lean)
    • pork (lean cuts)
    • soybeans
    • fish (tuna, albacore, tilapia, mahi mahi, orange roughly)
    • yogurt (low sugar)
    • cottage cheese
    • fat free milk
    • tofu (limited - high in fat)

  • NutsFat (healthy fats only, small portion sizes):
    • egg yolks
    • almonds
    • walnuts
    • peanuts
    • natural peanut butter
    • pecans
    • avocado
    • flax seed oil
    • soybean oil
    • hummus
    • extra virgin olive oil
    • fish oil (found in salmon, trout, mackerel)

  • Drink a lot of water!
  • Combine carbohydrates, protein, and fat each time you eat.  This is a key to a healthy eating lifestyle! 
  • Shop along the walls of your grocery store!  Jump in the aisle to get coffee, tea, canned meat, natural peanut butter, whole grain bread, toiletries and jump out!

Mar 4, 2017

Best exercises to lose belly fat | Find Everything

What are the best abdominal workouts for losing stomach fat? I will give you the answer and The answer may surprise you. Read below see exactly what ab workout produces rapid fat loss!

Recently I run my 12th fitness training program and As an online personal fitness trainer, nutritional expert, and fitness professional, I see questions all the time from people by different place who want to know what the best types of exercises and abdominal workouts are BEST for losing stubborn belly fat. Wow really lets start with me hope enjoy.Are

Mar 1, 2017

10 Foods That Are Highly Fattening

With 25.7 million US childrens and adults with diabetes, according to the Centers for the report of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), watching your sugar intake means more than curbing your candy habit for you. So what do you you do when you have a hankering for something sweet? Whether you're living with diabetes or changing huge on your diet to help prevent diabetes, learning about and control you how to reach for "good sugar" is a healthy choice. From honey to agave nectar, get the skinny on these 10 sources of good sugar. 

Feb 28, 2017

15 Most Weight loss Friendly Food | Weight Loss

If you want to loss weight, you really need to follow a proper diet plan that suits your body. every person’s body and its demands are different from the others, so you need to make sure that you understand exactly as to what your body’s condition is. A lot of people tend to miss out on important vitamins when it comes to dieting or losing weight…just be careful on what your body requirements are and then plan your diet; however, common foods that you should be eating are:

Feb 23, 2017

Yoga for Weight Loss.

Yoga considered being more of aerobic exercise burns less calories during the workout compared to other strenuous workouts which are as effective. 

  • Surya Namaskar: 12 yoga poses combined to form a sequence called Surya Namaskar. It is the best yoga has to offer as far as the poses are concerned. It works on the whole body especially on the big muscle group. A beginner can start with a few rounds of it and gradually increase the no. of rounds. It helps to shred the weight and also known as king of the Astana.
  • Warrior Pose: The warrior pose strengthens the hamstrings, thighs, legs and ankles as the body weight is transferred on the thighs with the forward bend. It helps to stimulate abdominal organs which can help increase the stamina. Stamina built up can help you to keep going over a longer period of time.

Quick Weight loss tips

I lost 20 pounds in about a year just by cutting WAY back on carbs. I changed my diet for the health benefits to avoid going from per-diabetes to full-blown diabetes. I was pleasantly surprised that the collateral results included weight loss. Of course, exercise wouldn’t be a bad idea, either!

Food habits: Reduce high fat content food intake. Try to add large amount of fresh fruits and vegetables, green leafs to your daily supplement to loss weight at gradual and efficient way.

You can follow below tips for quick weight loss:

Exercise: Try to spend at least a minimum amount of one hour time

Feb 22, 2017

How is it possible that I gained 2 kilos in a day?

It is possible. I just returned from a monster weekend getaway in Tokyo with my wife. It was our first trip away from the kids so I decided to eat with reckless abandon. It all started on Thursday afternoon at the Hong Kong airport where I was eating and drinking my face off and it did not end until Sunday night on the flight back home (still drinking cheap airplane wine and eating crappy airplane food)I did not get in a single workout (I don’t count the walking we did while shopping) nor did I count any calories or track any macros the entire time. The only thing I did was continue my IF protocol of skipping breakfast which is second nature to me at this point. It was a weekend of pure indulgence and utter freedom.

Feb 21, 2017

What can You do to motivate yourself to work out ?

I drink a lot. I eat pizza, fries, and ice cream when I want to. And I look like this:

You don't have to sacrifice the things you enjoy in order to look good. I exercise twice every day. I ran a marathon in under 3:15 last month.
 That's a lot. And I can't possible be motivated to do all that. And I'm not. Motivation never enters the equation.

Feb 20, 2017

EAT YOUR WATER I make Glowing Skin

Eat water? Yes, you read that right! How many liters of water do you drink daily? That standard amount is 4 bottles which is 4 liters minimum to keep your body hydrated and all the skin and digestive problems at bay.  Not all can drink so much water, so you can have more water-based foods instead. There are a lot of veggies and fruits that contain good amount of water which is hydrating for your body. Include the below foods in your diet along with drinking water:

Iceberg lettuce ranks the top in hydrating veggies, rather hydrating foods, thanks to its 96% water content. Though, the sad part is that it is not rich in nutrition, but you should have it because it is high in

Feb 19, 2017

The three daily practices to stay young..

How are you all.

Staying young is impossible. Our time here on Earth is finite. FEELING young is a different story.
  • I know some 25 year old that look and feel 50.
  • I know some 50 year old that look and feel 25.

My 3 might seem radical to you, but if you really want to stay younger & healthier for longer… some sacrifices have to be made.

Gratitude: Everyday be grateful. You are very rich if you have food to eat, clothes to cover your body and a bed to sleep. Our

skip salt completely in my diet or not..?

It depends. Salt can exist in so many natural whole foods, from fish to fowl to animals and vegetables and fruit. If you just ate those things and avoided added salt like we should avoid added sugar - you will be better off. Drink water and keep active.

All food produced in natural farming style has sodium in it (without chemical fertilizers and pesticides),
So no issue if salt is completely skipped as long as food source comes from natural farmers

How to lose 30 pounds in 2 months.

In order to lose fat, you need to give your body less energy (food) than it burns every day, as measured in calories.

15 pounds a month is A LOT to be honest but what you can do is removing most carbs from diet. No pasta, rice, noodles, bread, sugared drinks, etc. I personally eat a meat source for my protein, and if I don’t have enough take some protein powder, 400 grams of vegetables (sometimes more), and sometimes some fruit/fruit juice.

7 Natural Ways to Relieve Your Neck Pain ever.

1. Yoga Poses to Stop Neck Pain

Yoga has several benefits beyond temporary neck pain relief, including being able to help correct and prevent neck pain in certain cases.The overall goal of these yoga exercises is to gently realign your neck and spine. Most yoga exercises can be performed just about anywhere, and will only take a few minutes to complete.

Listen to your body while performing these exercises, and never proceed with a movement that causes more pain.While you may be concerned about your ability to perform certain moves based on your flexibility – don’t be! There are several yoga positions you can use to work on sore neck and shoulder pain with little-to-no flexibility required.

How do I get six pack easily.

A high quality six pack is the result of dedication to nutrition and complete fitness.
You can get a well-defined abdominal muscles by dieting to reduce your body fat and exercising to build up the underlying muscles.
Depending on how fat you are and how disciplined you are willing to be with your
diet this may take anywhere from a few months to a year or more.
To get six pack abs in your body,you need to follow to things at the same time:

1.Big Abs Muscles
2.8-10% body Fat

Feb 17, 2017

The health benefits of honey

Honey is said to be the natural sweeter on earth. Honey is rich in antioxidants and paranoids that help us in making our body healthy and fit.Honey is an all-natural energy drink which has the following

Alleviates allergies

Honey’s anti-inflammatory effects and ability to soothe coughs has led to the belief it can also reduce seasonal allergy symptoms